A man feeling such overpowering shame that it becomes too much, and he needs to fight it back with whatever means necessary, to not let it eat him alive; a man suffocated and crushed under the unbearable weight of a broken conscience and broken dreams, looking at a horrible death as the less painful experience; a man who simply cannot not go on living when his government and his people murder thousands of children with absolute indifference.
Such a man made the ultimate sacrifice yesterday, to give his country, which he must have loved dearly, one last warning, as it, too, was setting fire to its very existence.
“I will no longer be complicit in genocide“, his final message, was, and forever will be, his legacy.
In honor and eternal memory of Aaron Bushnell, US Air Force serviceman who took his own life, by fire, outside the Israeli embassy in DC yesterday, in protest of the Gaza genocide